



「ちょっと変だよ!その英語」 その9




Today, I’d like to talk about comedy.
On Sunday morning, I was on the スクール革命 show on 日本テレビ. This is the third time I have been on this show and this last time I’m afraid my material was not very funny, sorry.
I talked about オードリー, the Japanese comedy duo. I like Japanese comedy very much. I grew up watching The Drifters on their legendary live show, 8時だョ!全員集合. There are also many young comedy performers that I very much like to watch.
Among the younger comedians, I like ナイツ, ハイキング―ウォーキング, Amemiya, Non-Style, 磁石, インスタントジョンソン, ザ ギース, バカリズム, ななめ45゜, 今泉 (いってみてぇ〜, ってゆうおじさんの芸名), ドギドギキャンプ, ヒビキ, フットボールアワー and, of course, オードリー.
The most common form of comedy in Japan is called “slapstick” in English. This is comedy that involves exaggerated physical movement, such as a pie in the face, or a slap on the head. The word comes from a prop that was often used in “vaudeville” type shows in the days before TV. Japanese comedy has a similar prop called a “ハリセンボン”. This is that “soft stick” (or slapstick) or folded paper in the shape of a fan used to hit someone over the head. In the early days of Vaudeville comedy, this prop was so popular, that the whole genre of comedy was named after it! There is so much more, I’d like to say about Japanese comedy, but I’m out of space for this time. I’ll talk about it again soon.

この番組で日本のお笑いコンビ、オードリーについて話したんだ。日本のコメディ、だ〜あ〜い好き!! ドリフターズの『8時だよ!全員集合』を観て育ったからね。若いコメディアンもだ〜あ〜い好き。
若いコメディアンの中では、 ナイツ、ハイキング―ウォーキング、Amemiya、Non-Style、磁石、インスタントジョンソン、ザ ギース、 バカリズム、ななめ45゜、今泉 (いってみてぇ〜, ってゆうおじさんの芸名)、ドギドギキャンプ、ヒビキ、フットボールアワー、そして、もちろん オードリー.




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